Wednesday, March 25, 2009


4 days left til the due date of Management Assignment~
I still got a lot of sections haven complete.

After Management Assignment...still got Business Info System and Econ Assignments.
Besides assignments, still got exams need to fight on...
AHH!!!! Gimme a break man~
I don't wanna grow more white hairs and pimples. Dammit!


=3 ~
(This entry is meant for complaining. Hahaha)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Business Law Test 1 result....

is good but it can be better. 36/40.
Test 2 is coming soon. Will it be better??

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Business Law Test 1...

is coming right up at 10am. Woo!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Management 100 individual assignment...


!@#$%^zx&*(bnfs)_+4fg&%534* !!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Some funny videos about FACEBOOK.

What Facebook Is For

Facebook Song

25 Things I Hate About Facebook (Somehow agrees some of them. =D)


Academic Awareness Program.

Just finish attended the program.
It was fun. Especially those presentors/Lecturers.
They are my favourites. They ROCKS!!
They made the program to be exciting. Not boring at all~
I learned a lot from the program~
Also, I made 2 new friends! One from K.K. another one from Johor.
Had some conversations with them.

I'm feeling very tired now and super-sleepy.
I have to meet my bed next.
I can hear it calls my name here.
Have to go now...can't bear it anymore~
really sleepy. The sleeping fairy keeps on spraying sleeping powder all over me.

Bye for now~ *ding* *ding*

Friday, March 6, 2009


Today I'm gonna share with you all a Grammy Award winning song.
The song is called "Lotus Sutra of The Wonderful Law".
The song featured the Lotus Sutra which is chanted by our buddhism society, SGI.
We call the process of chanting the Lotus Sutra as Gongyo, 勤行.

First, let's understand what our budhism is about.
Our buddhism is called the Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism.

Nichiren Daishonin,

The lotus Sutra is the king of all buddhism sutras.
Its the last sutra that made by the Great buddha, Shakyamuni which consist of many buddhism sutras compiled together.

To understand more about the sutra, please read the following...

Buddhism originates in the teachings of Shakyamuni (Gautama Siddartha), the historical founder of Buddhism who was born in what is now Nepal some 2,500 years ago. Shakyamuni was born a prince but renounced his royal upbringing to embark on a spiritual quest to understand how human suffering could be ended. Eventually, while in deep meditation, he experienced a profound awakening, or enlightenment--a deep, encompassing understanding of life and human nature.

According to tradition, Shakyamuni then traveled throughout the Indian subcontinent for nearly 40 years sharing his enlightened wisdom, promoting peace and teaching people how to unleash the great potential of their lives. He became known as the Buddha, or "awakened one." His teachings were recorded as sutras and spread throughout Asia, giving rise to a number of distinct schools of Buddhism, generally characterized by an emphasis on peace and compassion.

The teachings of Shakyamuni are recorded in an enormous body of texts, known as sutras. During the some 50 years over which Shakyamuni shared his teachings with the people of his day, he traveled widely throughout India. Rather than expound his philosophy in a systematic manner, his teaching mainly took the form of dialogue. Meeting with people from a wide range of backgrounds--from ministers of state to unlettered men and women--he sought to respond to their questions and doubts. Most of all, he sought to provide answers to the fundamental questions of human existence: Why is it that we are born and must meet the inevitable sufferings of illness, aging and death?

The sutras were compiled in the years following the death of Shakyamuni; it is thought that the Lotus Sutra was compiled between the first and second century C.E. In Sanskrit it is known as the Saddharmapundarika-sutra (lit. "correct dharma white lotus sutra"). Like many Mahayana sutras, the Lotus Sutra spread through the "northern transmission" to Central Asia, China, Korea and Japan. Originally entering China in the third century C.E., the Lotus Sutra is said to have been translated into several different versions of the Chinese, of which three complete versions are extant. The fifth-century translation of Kumarajiva (344-413 C.E.) is considered to be particularly outstanding; its philosophical clarity and literary beauty are thought to have played a role in the widespread veneration of this sutra throughout East Asia.

The title of the Lotus Sutra in Kumarajiva's translation, Myoho-renge-kyo, 妙法莲华经 contains the essence of the entire sutra, and it was on the basis of this realization that Nichiren (1222-1282 C.E.) established the invocation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, 南无妙法莲华经 as his core Buddhist practice.

The Lotus Sutra contains a number of concepts that were revolutionary both within the context of Buddhist teachings and within the broader social context of the time. A core theme of the sutra is the idea that all people equally and without exception possess the "Buddha nature." The message of the Lotus Sutra is to encourage people's faith in their own Buddha nature, their own inherent capacity for wisdom, courage and compassion.

*My aim is to let my friends to understand about my religion. Not to force anyone to join it.*

Please read or at least scan through. Its hard for me to find these infos. Don't let my hardwork be wasted k? haha

Must be tired of reading right? Heres the video which the song and pictures of different cultures around the world. Enjoy~


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tired. Very tired.

I'm so freakin' tired today.
I'm very sleepy now~

Out of topic section:
Management lecturer starts to notice me today.
Unfortunately, I didn't get chosen into the "keen learner" list yet.
Lecturer said my performance was not bad. Its just that I wasn't well prepared.
I will prepare myself before class nex time.
Hopefully I will get myself into the list.

Thats all for now. I need to go and have some sleep now.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Possibly my new house.

I went to see a house with mom yesterday.
The owner sell it for RM320000.
The house looks very nice. Quite similar with my current house.
Its a double storey semi-detached house.
The verandah of the house is very wide...can park about 3 to 4 cars.
Interior looks not bad and acceptable.
One thing absent which is the balcony. Well, too bad~
The house is located at Pujut 3 which is a strategic place for our living.
Mom likes it a lot.
Kept on mentioning it after she visited to the house.

She will bring dad to see it today.
If he likes it...then the house will be us.
Can't confirm the result yet.

I have to start sketching and design.
I've got a lot of ideas on designing the interior of the house.
Where to put the furnitures, chooseing the suitable decorative items, etc etc.