Sunday, June 7, 2009

My favourite superheroes of 2009.

New Shinkenger!! Sushi-themed!
Add-on and become a Sushi-like changer...I mean, look at the that thing.
The white phone resemblence the rice, and the folded disc resemblence the meat on top of the rice. Creative right?!
Transform into Shinken-Gold with "light" element power! His mask resemblence the chinese word/japanese kanji,"光". Don't whether or not you can see that.
The way he transforms is exactly how a Sushi-maker present their sushi after finish-made in Japan.
Oh, and the blue sword resemblence a tuna. hahaha
Weird but interesting concepts! Way to go Japan!

Can't wait to see his "Lobster" and "Squid" mechas turn into a robot.
"Squid" mecha alone is awesome!
I can't imagine how awesome would the "Lobster" mecha be.
Why lobster? Why squid? Hello~? Sushi? The meat...get it?
This is why they linked these 2 creatures to him.
We got squid, we got tuna and we got lobster! Let's Sashimi!

Next is
Kamen Rider Diend (TheEnd).
A very powerful barcode-themed Masked Rider.
Capable of summoning any previous Masked Riders he wants.

Enjoy. If you don't like these kiddy stuffs, at least feel fascinated on the concepts they came out.